1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

Description oJ Courses NUMBERING SYSTEM T he numbering y cem u ed with each cour e make po ibl e y idencifi acion of the year, department of in cruccion, and s me rer or term the ubjecc i caught. The first digit indicate the year the course i caught. The econd digit indicate the cle– p · r cment of cudy in which the cour e i found . The la c digit sh w the emester the cour e i caught. Cour e ending in odd numbers indicate fir c em,esrer cour e in che Day chool and. fir c and third terms in the Evening chool. Courses ending in even numbers indicate second eme cer Day hool ubject and econd term E ening chool subject . All Evening chool cour e are pre-lettered "E" for evening. For example: 101 indicate First year, department of Biblical Ex osicion, and First semester. I. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL EXPOSITION ( 000 and 010 ) T he aim of this department is to give the student a working k :iowledge of every pare of the Bible. Certain pivotal book are g iven more thorough and detailed treatment. I. Bible History The historical portions of both the Old and New Testaments ai:.-e tudied in detail. This course is designed to give the student an efficient knowledge and spiritual understanding of the history r God's dealing with man from the Creation onward through the Patriarchal, Tribal, and National History of Israel; a thor– ough study of the life and times of Christ, the founding and g rowth of the Christian Church as described in the Acts, and the or l and written ministry of the Apostle Paul. A. Old Testament History (Genesis th rough Nehemiah). 01, 102: OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY. A detailed studv , rhe historical portions of the Old Testament from the creatio~ f dam to the Roman conquest of Palestine. D ,i.J chool: two hours, two semesters, first J 1 ear. I lOl, E102, E103: OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY (Gene i through Nehemiah). Et ening chool: one hour, three terms, first year. B. New Testament Hiscory (Matthew through Acts). P"-;;e Twenty-six