1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

201 202: LIFE OF CHRI T. ources of Christ' Life, r e world in which He lived the irgin birch the year of prepara– tion, the home at Nazareth, the baptism and temptation, h ministry, miracle , death, re urrection, and ascension of Chr i . Day chool: one hour, two semesters, second )'ear. E301, E302: LIFE OF CHRI T. Evening chool: one hour, two ternis, third year. 301: ACT OF THE APO TLE . A derailed cudy of the first half of the book noting the beginning and development of rh Chri rian Church. Day chool: one hour, first semester, third year. E303: ACT OF THE APO TLE . Evening chool: one hour, third tet·m , third year. 302: PAUL AND HIS EPI TLES. A detailed tudy of r 1 missionary journey of Paul, a recorded in the latter half of A r , personal glimpses of the life of Paul, and the time, place and conditions under which hi epistle were written. Day chool: one hour, second semester, third year. 2. Bible Book Study The authorship, dace, position in the Canon, and division the theme are noted. Each book receive synoptical trearm nr with the most important portions tudied in detail. Book from E ther through Revelation are considered, except chose rudi d under Bible History and Bible Analysis. 111, 112: OLD TESTAMENT POETRY. The disrincc iv characteristics of Hebrew Poetry are examined; the variou forms being illu traced and explained. The Poetical book ,are scudi for their doctrinal and practical value. The Book of P alm i created in derail with pecial attention being given the Messi amc P alm . First seme t r in Day chool, the following book ar rudied: .Job, P alm , and the hi rorical book of E ch r. The ond eme t r in Day chool, Pro rb , Ecclesia re , and olomon ar cudied. Da1 chool: two hours, two sem est ers, first ,ear. 111, Ell 2, El 13: LDT TAME T P ETRY. 1•e11iug \chool: one hour, three t erms, first ·year. 203, 204: T TAME T PR PHET. . Th maJor pw- phctic book of che kl tam nt, except Dani 1 ( Bibl An- .d) si ), ar • cudi d in hronolog ical ord r. h gr at proph ti I ' n