1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
ch me of the e book are e aminec.l boch in the ir folf illed and un– fulfill U a p Ct . Day chool: 011e h our, two em est ers, seco 11d )'e(I/' . E201 , E202, E203: LD TE TAMENT PR PHET . Ezeki el throug h Malachi , except Daniel. El'eni11g chool: on e hour, three t en ns, second J'ear. 303, 304: OLD TE T AMENT PROPHET . The minor pro– p h ti.c books of che Old Testament are carefully examined for their imp ortant mes age in both near and far fulf illmenc. The aim of this cour e is to acqua int the student w ith the face of hi tory and prophecy in such a manner a to au e che e little– known books to live in his experience . Day School: one hour, two sem est ers, third year. 114: T HE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW. A com– plete exegesis of the book is made w ith the Messianic, d i pen a– rional and prophetic features being emphasized throughout. Da1 1 School: one hour, second semest er, fi rst J'ear. 305, 306: NEW TESTAMENT EPISTLE . (Omitti ng cho e tudied under Bible Analysis) . An introduccory tudy of the epistle giving the date and place of writing, author, occasion, purpose, theme and a synopsis of the message of each epistle. Day School: tw o hours, two senz.est ers, t hird year. E305 , E306, E307 : NEW TESTAMENT EPI TLE Even ing chool: one hour, three t erms, third year. 3. Bible Analysis Analysis is a critical and careful study of the authorship, cir– cumstances, theme, chapters, verses, sentences and words of Holy Writ. These courses are designed to lead che cu dent into habits of study which will enable him to understand the minute exact– cess and depth of the meaning of God 's Word. 103, 104: THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. This tremen– dously important book of basic Christian doctrine and practice is expounded in derail. The a im is to ground the student so thoroughly in the~e vital teachings tha t he will never be shaken and always be ready co state the truth of the Gospel with accuracy and clarity. DaJ, School: t wo hours, first semest er, f irst year. ElOS , E106, E107: THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. Even ing School: one hour, three t er'lns, _first year. Page Twenty-eight
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