1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
121, 122: THEOLOGY AND CHRISTOLOGY. The fact of God, the nature of God, His attributes, His name ·, the Trinity and the decree of God are carefully studied. The humanity, deity, character and work of .J esu Christ are tudied during the second eme ter. DaJ' chool: two hours, two seniesters, first year. E221, E222, E223: THEOLOGY AND CHRISTOLOGY. Evening School: one hour, three terms, second year. 221 , 222: PNEUMATOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, HAMAR– TIOLOGY AND SOTERIOLOGY. The Biblical doctrines of the nature, names, per on and work of the Holy pirit; the creation, condition, probation and fall of Man; the doctrines of sin and death; and the truth about redemption, reconciliation, justifica– tion, alvation, sanctification, etc. are examined. Day chool: two hours, two semesters, second year. E321, E322 , E323: PNEUMATOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, HAMARTIOLOGY AND SOTERIOLOGY. Evening chool: one hour, three terms, third year. 321 , 322: ECCLE IOLOGY, ANGELOLOGY, AND ESCHA– TOLOGY. The origin, organism, organization, ordinances and object of the Church are tudied. The creation, character and con– dition of Angels, both good and evil; the person, position, power and punishment of atan; and the existence and employment of Demon are carefully examined. The Second Coming of Christ, the Rapture of the Church, The Day of the Lord, the Great Tribu– lation, the J udgmenc , the Resurrections, Heaven and Hell, the Order of Prophetic Event . DaJ chool: two hours, two semesters, third J 1 ear. E421 , E422 , E423: E LE IOLOGY, ANGELOGY, AND E HATOLOGY. Evening chool: one hour, three terms, fourth year. Ill. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION AND APOLOGETICS (030 l T h aim of thi dep artm nt i to enable ch tudent co be om <::scabli hed in the e idenc of the di in in pi ra t ion, a curacy and int g ri t of th acr d cripture and in ch a uran e of od 's guidan e in th l ction of th 66 book whi h ompri th<:: anon. here i an xamina cion of the hi corical, g ographi al and arch ologi al fa t r gard ing the Bible and in tiga tion of t<::xtual rici ism an<l h r i t ian id nc . r t o n e
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