1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

E331, E332: CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. Ei·ening chool: one hour, two terms, third J'ear. 232: ARCHEOLOGY. Ancient civilization , now unearthed, pro ide remarkable confirmation of the Bible's h istor icity and throw light on its background and interpretation. DaJ' chool: one hour, second semester, second year. E333: ARCHEOLOGY. Evening chool: one hour) one ter1Jt) third year. 331: FULFILLED PROPHECY. An examination of the pro– phecies of the Word of God which have been literally fulfilled a con incing evidence of the integrity and infallibility of the Bible. Day chool: one hour, first seniester, third year. IV. DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH HI STORY AI\JD MI SSIONS ( 040) The aim of chis department is co give rhe student a con ecuti view of the epochs of Church Hisrory with doctrinal develop– ments, ancient and modern here ie and the r elatio:, co contem– poraneou ocial and political history, in the light of the divine fore iew of the Church's true spiritual history, as given through the ew Testament Epistles and the Book of Revelation. The tudeot i gi en a panoramic view of missions from the earliest beginnings until the pre enc day . There is incbded in the cour e of tudy of missions from the practical viewpoint dealing with such matter a call, preparation, orientation, together with modern mis ionary problem and requirements. 241, 242: CH RCH HI TORY. The development of che hurch i traced from che Apo colic Age through the Protestant Reformation and the period of Modern Mi ionary Conquest. "The History of che hri ciao Church" by George P . Fisher, D.D., LLD., i che text u ed. Da1 chool: two hours, two semesters, second 1•ectr. 441, £442, E443: H RH HI TORY. Et•t:ni11g ,\ chool: one hour, three terms, fourth year. 2 i2B: BAPTI T RY. Tracing the beginning of Bap - tist hi cory from th da of the arly hurch through th Middl Ages and up to mod rn rim s, re ealing th fac t tha t the fund a– m nca l rea(hing and prac tices of di tin ti" Bapti t group ant - r I, f ( 1 I r .., ,.