1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
the rodent with method and material for effectively dealing with the oul of men for salvation and edification. 151: PER ONAL EVANGELI M. A thorough study of the mo t effective methods of Scripturally dealing with soul in per- onal work. Emphasis is laid upon Scripture memorization and the use of the word of the Spirit in winning the lost to a saving knowledge of Chri t. DaJ chool: two hours, first semester, first J'ear. El51, El52, El53: PERSONAL EVANGELISM. Et•ening chool: one hour, three t erms, first year. 252: PUBLIC EVANGELISM. Thi course i devoted to a pecialized rudy of the various ways and means of reaching the multitude for Chri t through mas evangelism- church, tent, in– du trial, youth , child, open air, hou e to house, and radio evan– geli m. Day chool: one hour, second semester, second year. E251: PUBLIC EVANGELI M. Evening chool, one hour, one term, second year. 153: CHILD EVANGELISM. The latest and best methods of reaching children for Christ through Bible Clubs, visual aids, object les on , tory telling, songs and Scripture memory work. • Da.1• chool: one hour, first semester, first year. E351: CHILD EVANGELISM. E1 •ening chool: one hour, first term, third year. 254: PRACTICAL_WORK CLINIC. A period in which the tudent pre eot reports of practical work and problems encount– ered therein. They receive helpful criticism and ugge tion for impro ing their ser ice for Chri t. DaJ chool: one hour, second semest er, second year. 255, 256: HOMILETIC . The importance of preaching, th "alue of preparation, the election and interpreta tion of the text, the gathering and arranging of ma terial , the u e of illu tration , etc. DnJ chool: one hour, two semesters, second year. 355, 356: HOMILETI . Th ermon , th different typ of rmon , the tudy of Bible rmon , and pra - ct e prea bing with empha i pla d on poi e, i n and ff~ ti e d Ji ery. Da1 ~ hool: one hour, t wo semesters, third year. p J t f I V e
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