1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

E451, E452, E45 .1: HOMILETI ve111ng chool: 011e hour, three t erms, fourth ye flr. 154: PIRITUAL LIFE. The work of the Holy piric in the believer, the Bible ba i for a life of victory, ancl ch ministry of prayer are tudied co enable the student co live a life of hri c– honoring power and fruicfulne . DaJ' chool: one hour, second semester, first J'e,,r. E154: PIRITUAL LIFE. Evening chool: one hour, one term, first '.)'ear. 156: CHRISTIAN ETHIC . An intimate and practical study of che New Testament passages which emphasize the believer's life and conduct. This enables the student co face and fulfill che tandards which che Lord .Jesus require every true Christian co exemplify. Dfll)' School: one hour, second semester, first J 1 ear. El55: CHRISTIAN ETHIC . Evening School: one hour, one term, first J'ear. 351: ANTI-CHRISTIAN CULTS. A review of the origin, history and beliefs of the various anti-Christian cults and how co answer Seripturally and aid those who are affected by chem. DaJ' School: one hour, first sernester, third '.)'ear. 352: PASTORAL TRAINING. A very helpful study of che personal life and habits of the pascor, his ministry in the parish and suggestions concerning vi itacion, business meetings, parlia– mentary procedure, weddings, funerals and ocher practical pa - toral duties. · Day chool: one hour, second semester, third J'ear. 354: CHURCH SUPERVISION. The organization and man– agement of the church is studied in relation co ics .force, field and finance. Effective methods of supervision, training for worship and service, and successful methods of publicity and promotion are examined. Day chool: one hour, second senMster, third )'ear. VI. DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (060 ) The aim of chi deparcment is co lead che cudent co a practical understanding of the various characceriscics of che pupils, the proper methods of approach in reaching, the laws of Page Th1rty-s,x