1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

reaching, illu cracion and application, and the effective pre enca– tion of the truth of the Word of God. The organization, admini - cracion, curriculum and materials for Church Bible Schools, Va– cation Bible Schools, Week-Day Church Schools, Child Evangel– ism, Junior Church and Bible Clubs are also cudied under this department. 161: CHILD TUDY. An investigation of rhe characteri tics and psychology of children in all periods and the be t wa of reaching each individual age. Da ,. chool: one hour. first semester} first year. E261": CHILD TUDY. Ei•ening chool: one hour} one term} second year. 162: PEDAGOGY. A scucfy of the laws of the mind under– lying the impartation of Bible knowledge, principle and methods of teaching, and che preparation and presenca cion of th lesson. DaJ' chool: one hour, second semester} first year. E262: PEDAGOGY. Et'ening chool: one hour, one term} second J1ea1'. 261: UNDAY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. How t or- ganize and conduct departmental Church Bible Schools. Text: "The unday chool in Action," by Dr. Clarence H. Benson. Day chool: one hour, first semester, second )'ear. E263: UNDAY CHOOL ADMINISTRATION. Ei·ening chool: one hour, one term, second year. 153: CHILD EVANGELISM. (See under Practical Theo ogy). Day chool: one hour, first semester} first year. E361: CHILD EVANGELI M E-vening chool: one hour, one term, third year. 262: VA ATIO BIBLE CHOOL. A tud. of che purposes, plans, programs and procedure of ummer Bible chool with uggestion concerning how co conduce these in all types of churche . Alo ugge tion on conducting Week-Da Church chool , Junior hurche and Bible Club . DaJ chool: one hour , second semester, second year. , 62 : VA ATIO BIBL HOOL. Et •ening chool: one hour , on term , third J'ear. p ( g e T 11 I r , v e n