1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
1 2: ENGLI H GRAMMAR. An advanced cour e (compar– able to a college course) with a thorough review of grammar and pecial emphasi upon rule and u age. Day chool: one hour, second semester, first year. 271, 272: ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Students are trained in the correct and effective use of English. Themes, letters, tracts, articles for publication, etc., are written by the students and dis– cu sed in class. The text used is "Learning to Write in College" by Reed Smith. Day chool: one hour, two se11zesters, second year. 371: PUBLIC SPEAKING. A comprehensive study of the fundamentals of speech, the techniques of voice control and phonetics, the for~ content and delivery of formal, extempora– neous and impromptu speeches with practice before the class. Day chool: One hour, first semester, third yea.,·. 273, 274: INTRODUCTORY NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. An introductory course emphasizing vocabulary, forms, and syn– tax designed to give a working knowledge of New Testament Greek. Day chool: three hours, two semesters, second year. This course is elective. E271, E272, E273: INTRODUCTORY NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. Evening chool: two hours, three t erms, second J 1 ear. This course is elective. E371, E372, E373: ELEMENTARY HEBREW. A founda– tion study in the elements of Biblical Hebrew emphasizing voca b– ulary, forms grammar, u e of lexicon and the study of selective texts. This cou rse is elective and is open to third and fourth year students, graduate and p as tor . Evening chool: two hours, three terms. VIII. DEPARTMENT OF SACRED MUSIC (080) The purpo e of thi d parcm nc is to give a g n ral introduc– tion to the theory and pra ti e of acr d Mu ic. Ad anc d our s in piano, oi e and choru may be arrang d in both Da and ning hool. 281: DAM TAL F M gt\.e a w rking knowl dge of th A our d 1gn <l to of mu ic, nor , al , F ~ t , I ,, r,
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