1948-1949 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
Regular Day School Faculty KENNETH ALVIN AMSLER Dean: Instructor in Bible Doctrine, Personal Evangelism, Christian Life, Bible Analysis, Pastoral Theology, Hermeneu– tics. Graduate, Philadelphia School of the Bible, '29; B. A., Wheaton College, '32; B. D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, '34; Pastor, Wheaton Bible Church , Wheaton , Illinois, '34 -37 ; Graduate student, Wheaton College Graduate School , '36 -37; Pastor, First Baptist Churrh, Niles, Ohio, '37 -42; Radio Minister, WRRN , Warren, Oh io, '41 -45 ; Pa stor and Bible Teacher, Warren, Ohio, '42 -45, Instructor, B. B. I., '45- . VIVIAN KRETZ AMSLER Instructor in iHusic, Piano , Conducting, homs. Moody Bible Institute , '29 -30; Wheaton Col lege, '31 -32; Radio Staff, WM3 I, Chicago, '29 -34; Music Teocher, 1929-; Instructor in Evangelistic Pio no P!oying, Wheaton College, '36 -37 ; Rad io Ministry, WRRN , Warren , Oh io, '41 -45; Instructor, B. B. I., '45- . JAMES HENRY COMSTOCK Instructor in Bible ynthesis, Public peakino, Hebrew. B. S., Wheaton College, '36; Th . M., Dallas Theolog ical Seminary, '41 ; Daily Radio Program, Dol!os, Texas, '39 -41; Pastor, Grace Bible Church , Nacog – doches, Texas, '41 -43 ; Director, Victory Service Center, Dallas, Texos, '43 - 44; Pastor, First Baptist Church , Medino , Ohio, 1946- ; Instructor, B. B. I., '46- . HUGO H. FOUCAR Instructor in Homiletics, Missions, hurch History, Baptist Polity, Greek, Bible. Graduate, Bible Institute of Los Ang eles, '25; faculty of Hunan Bible In – stitute, Changsha , Chino , '25 -27; Th . B., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, '29; pastorates in Arizona , '30-32; pastorates in Southern California , '33 -40, '42 -45; B. A., George Pepperdine College, Los Angeles, California, '39; Th . M., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky ., '40; Th . D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, '42; faculty member California Baptist Theological Seminary, Los Angeles , Calif., '44; pastor, Calvary Baptist Church , Painesville, Oh io, '46-; Instructor, B. B. I., '46-. ALBERTA MADELINE HELFRICK lnstr11ctor in hild tud;• and hild Evangelism. Graduate, School of Education of Western Reserve Un iversity, Cleveland, '27; Public School Teocher, '27 -35; Director of Child Evang eli sm, Cleveland, 1944-; Teacher of Child Evangelism workers, 1937-; In structor, B. B. I., '45-. DONALD MacDONALD Instructor in Li/ e of hrist and Bible Anal; 1 is. Groduo e, Providence Bible Inst1tue , '37 ; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Troy, New Hampshire, '35 -37; Pastor, Bellerose Baptist Church, Bellerose, New y \ .,
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