1949-1950 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
Inslilttte Choir. B. B. I. Choir of 60 voices presents the finest in choral selections at conferences, commencement and musical programs. Entrance Requirements The Institute welcomes students from all churches and de– nominations who are teachable and willing to submit to the authority of the Word of God. All applicants for admission must be of approved Christian character and in sound physical health. A thorough physical examination, with blood tests and inocula– tions, is recommended. A certificate of health from the examin– ing physician must accompany the application. The applicant should give evidence of the new birth through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be willing to submit to all the regula– tions and standards of the School. The prospective student should be at least eighteen years of age and be recommended by his or her pastor. Regular Day School students shall have completed high school work A transcript of credits from high school must accompany the application. Those not meeting the above 1equirements shall be considered special students and will receive a certificate upon graduating, if high school work has not been completed. General aptitude and I. Q. tests will be given prospective students in both Day and Evening schools who do not hold a high school diploma. Students with satisfactory records from other schools of approved standing may receive credit upon presentation of transcript showing work completed. MANNER OF APPLYING 1. Application Blank at close of catalog should be filled in, with no omissions, by the applicant and returned to the School. 2. A recent small picture of the prospective student, a certifi– cate of health from one's personal physician, and the appli– cation fee of $3.00 must accompany the application form. 3. Applications should be sent sufficiently early to allow time to evaluate the information and notify the student of the lnstitute's decision. Page Sixteen
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