1949-1950 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

death· and the truth about redemption, re onciliation, justifica– tion, al ation, an tif icarion, re. are examined. Da, , chool: three hours, two seme ters, second year. E321, E322, E323 : PNEUMATOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, HAMARTIOLOGY AND OTERIOLOGY. Ei ening chool: one hour, three terms, third year. 321, 322: DOCTRINE III - Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology. The origin, organi m, organization, ordinance and object of the Church are studied. The creation, character and con– dition of Angels, both good and evil; the person, position, power and punishment of atan; and the existence and employmen t of Demons are carefully examined. The Second Coming of Christ, the Rapture of the Church, The Day of the Lord, the Grea t Tribu– lation, the Judgments, the Resurrections, Heaven and Hell, the Order of Prophetic Events. Day chool: two hours, two semesters, third , ,ear. E421, E422, E423: ECCLESIOLOGY, ANGELOGY, AND ESCHATOLOGY. Evening chool: one hour, three terms, fourth year. Ill. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION AND APOLOGET ICS (030 ) The aim of this department is to enable the student to become established in the evidences of the divine inspiration, accuracy and integrity of the sacred Scriptures and in the assurance of God's guidance in the selection of the 66 books which comprise the Canon. There is an examination of the historical, geographical and archaeological facts regarding the Bible and investigation of textual criticism and Christian evidences. 131: BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION, including Hermeneutics, Inspiration, Canon, Manuscripts, and Versions. The structural, thematic, ethnic and dispensational divisions of the Scriptures are studied and divine laws of Hermeneutics pointed out. The theories of Inspiration, the proofs of Divine Authorship, the Verbal and Plenary Inspiration of the Sacred Scriptures are care– fully studied. The inspiration which the Bible claims for itself and the conclusive witness of the Hie;hest Critic, Christ Him– self, are studied in detail so that the srudent becomes thoroughly grounded on the true foundation of our faith. Why our Bible contains its present books-no more and no less, and how we may be fully assured that our present copies of God's W ord are accurate and trustworthy are discerned in this course. Day School: three hours, first semester, first , ,ear. Page Thi r t 1 -two