1949-1950 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

rice preaching with emphasis placed on poise, expression and eff eccive delivery. Day chool: two hours, first semester, third year. E451, E452, E453: HOMILETICS. Evening chool: one hour, three terms, fourth year. 154: SPIRITUAL LIFE and CHRISTIAN ETHICS. The work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, the Bible basis for a life of victory, and the ministry of prayer are studied to enable the student to live a life of Christ-honoring power and fruitfulness . An intimate and practical study of the New Testament passages which emphasize the believer's life and conduct. This enables the student to face and fulfill the standards which the Lord Jesus requires every true Christian to exemplify. Day School: two hours, second semester, first year. E154: SPIRITUAL LIFE. Evening School: one hour, one term, first year. E155: CHRISTIAN ETHICS. Evening School: one hour, one term, first year. 352: PASTORAL TRAINING and CHURCH SUPER– VISION. A very helpful study of the personal life and habits of the pastor, his ministry i_p. the parish and suggestions concerning visitation, business meetings, parliamentary procedure, weddings, funerals and other practical pastoral duties. The organization and management of the church is studied in relation co its force , field and finance. Effective methods of supervision, training for worship and service, and successful methods of publicity- and promotion are e~amined. Day School: two hour's, second semester, third year. VI. DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (060) The aim of this department is to lead the student to a practical understanding of the various characteristics of the pupils, the proper methods of approach in teaching, the laws of teaching, illustration and application, and the effective presenta– tion of the truth of the Word of God. The organization, adminis– tration, curriculum and materials for Church Bible Schools, Va– cation Bible Schools, Week-Day Church Schools, Child Evangel– ism, Junior Church and Bible Clubs are also studied under this department. Pag e Thi r ty-six