1949-1950 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
172: PUBLIC SPEAKING. A comprehensive study of the fundamentals of speech, the techniques of voice control and phonetics, the for~ content and delivery of formal, extempora– neous and impromptu speeches with practice before the class. Day chool: tw o hours, fir st semester, first year. 273, 274: INTRODUCTORY NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. An introductory course emphasizing vocabulary, forms, and syn– tax designed to give a working knowledge of New Testament Greek. Day School: two hours, tw o semest ers, second year. (Th is course is elective ) 371, 372: JUNIOR NEW TESTAMENT GREEK. The stu– dent is g iven the opportunity to acquaint himself further with the language. The historical and comparative method will be used in study. Special attention will be given to translation. Day School: tw o hours, two semesters, third year. E371, E372 , E373: ELEMENTARY HEBREW. A founda– tion study in the elements of Biblical Hebrew emphasizing vocab– ulary, forms grammar, use of lexicon and the study of selective texts. T h is course is elective and is open to third and fourth year students, graduates and p astors. Evening School: tw o hours, three terms. VIII. DEPARTMENT OF SACRED MUS IC (080 ) The purpose of th is department is to give a general introduc– tion to the theory and· practj r e of Sacred Music. Advanced courses in piano, voice and chorm may be arranged in both Day and Evening Schools. 181 : FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC. A course designed to give a working knowledge of the essentials of mus ic, notes, scales, time, terms, signa tures, notation, tempo, rhythm, in tervals, musi– cal terms, sight reading, and sing ing of simpl e melod i s. Day chool: one hour, first sem est er, fir st J'ear. E381: F DAME TAL OF MU IC. Evening chool: one hour, one t erm, third J'ear. 182: 0 D CTING. An elementary course in corr ct pos- ture, tempo, expression and the use of hand and voice in lead– ing congr gational inging or choru choir. CHOR S- areful attention i gi n to ight reading, vo al expression and part f uqP Th rt\-n1n e
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