1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

Purpose The cour es of the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland are Bible-centered and Christ-centered, and designed primarily to give a thorough knowledge of the Word of God. Bible doctrine, spiritual life, and practical service are properly emphasized. Be– lie ing that the servants 0£ Jesus Christ should have superior cholarship, spiritual power, broad vision and holy passion, the Institute endeavors to send forth those adequately trained to meet the challenge of the hour. Taking a positive stand against all denials of the faith once– for-all delivered to the saints, and teaching separation from all forms of religious apostasy and error, the Institute places the infallible and inviolable Word of God at the very center of its curriculum. The Courses offered by the Baptist Bible Institute have been carefully planned for the purpose of providing varied training for the following: 1. Persons planning to become full-time, life-service workers, witnesses, teachers, pastors, missionaries, or evangelists for Christ. 2. Young people who wish to become established in the fundamental truths of the Word of God before attending college or seminary. 3. Graduates of colleges or seminaries who wish to supple– ment their training by a thorough study of the Bible under a con istent, premillennial, and scriptural interpretation. 4. Persons not sure they are called or fitted for full-time Christian work, who desire to know God' s plan and pur– pose for their. lives, or who desire to become more effec– tive in the lord's service through the local church. Advantages in Cleveland Cleveland is the sixth city in population in the United States. It is a beautiful city of home , tree and park . It has a lake frontage of about 25 miles. Many thou ands of fine trees, which ga e le eland the name "The Forest City," still remain and ra ine and gorge cut by tream and river running into lake rie and the uyahoga Valley make leveland's city parks and it 10,000 acres of "M tropolican Park" ystem of rare pictur– e que b auty. le eland i nationally acknowledged to be the ideal onven– tion ity. Its location i unexcelled. One-half the population of Puge Tf 1rtee n