1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

Day and Evening Schools Both Day and Evening SGhools are maintained to meet the varied needs and furnish opportunities for study to those who comprise our student body. The Day School offers a thorough, carefully balanced three– year Master Bible Course, including in the curriculum many sub– jects not found in most seminary courses, particularly an exposi– tion or analysis of every book in the Bible. Classes meet in the mornings, Tuesday through Friday, from 8: 30 to 12: 30. Four 50 m inute class periods and one chapel period comprise each school day's schedule, with supervised study in the afternoon. Each Day School student is required to have a minimum of 15 hours of study per week in addition to class attendance. At least one hour of practica l Christian work per week is required of all students. The Evening School offers a thorough four- year course. Classes a re held Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 7:00 to 9: 45 P. M. Three 45 minute periods and chapel are held each evening. Many Evening School students come directly from work on school even– ings, while others commute from considerable distances to attend classes. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Devotional. In addition to private devotions and weekly dor– mitory prayer meetings, the students meet regularly for half-hour prayer meetings before class sessions begin. Special days of prayer are conducted throughout the year. Praise, prayer, worship and p ractical Christian living and service are stressed during daily chapel periods. Social. The fall reception in charge of the Faculty, the Christ– mas par ty, the spring fellowship, the annual Institute Banquet in May, and other social events under the direction of the Social Committee provide wholesome fellowship for the students. Christian ervice. Persona l soul wi nn ing, trac t d istribution, house to house visitation, unday School clas es, Bible Club , gos– pel team , radio broadcasts and services in churches, jai ls, hospi– tals, and mission provide practical experience in Christian er- ice. ome of the students serve as pa tors of churche , church ecr taries, church isitor , et . B.B.I. gospel teams have been used of od to bring alvation and edifjcation to many oul . Organizations. The tudent ouncil, Foreign Mis ions Fel– lowship, Tra t lub, hri tian Edu ation lub, B.B.I. Te timony pro ide hannels for hri tian growth and ervic . Page Fiftee n