1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

Registration Registration days for each seme rer will be found listed in the Institute Calendar. Applications hould be submitted to the Registrar's Office at lea t 30 days before the beginning of any given semester. An addiriona~ Iee of 2.00 will be charged for registrations later than registration day, bur during the registration period. The registration period will close two weeks after registration day. Schedules may be altered during the registration period. A class dropped after the close of the two week registration period will be considered a failure. Fees will nor be refunded afrer the close of the registration period. Students are not permitted to rake elective courses uniess rh:ir average grade is 85% or above. Financial lnJormat:ion DAY SCHOOL Application Fee (not refundable) Matriculation Fee (new students only) Tuition Fee (per semester) Library Fee (per year) Student Activities Fee (per year) Medical Fee (dormitory students) Breakage Fee (dormitory) Books (estimated) Board and Room in Dormi cory J.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 20.0(1 .. 220.00 The approximate expense for a student living in the dormitory will be 305.00 the first semester. It is strongly recommended that students have, at the rime of registration, sufficient fund to pay the above. The cost of board and room at the dormitory will be 13.50 per week or 243.00 per emescer if not paid at the time of registration. tudent may make arrangements co pay their account in on6t of the following way : 1. Full semester account payable on the day of regi tradon. ( 23.00 saved on board and room). 2. ifry per cent payable upon regi tration, and the balance to be paid within sixty days. Page Seventeen