1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
Graduat:ion Requiremenl:s Diplomas are granted to regular students upon the following conditions: 1. Approved Christian character evidencing spirituality, stability, cooperation, and soundness of doctrine. 2. Satisfactory grades in all subjects. 3. Correct and effective use of the English language. 4. Evidence of zeal in Christian testimony and service. 5. The approval of the Faculty and the Board of Directors. DIPLOMAS The Evangelical Teacher Training Diploma will be awarded those who have completed the required subjects. A fee of $2.00 is charged by the Association for this diploma, payable through the Institute office. Day and Evening School diplomas will be awarded those l:um– pleting the required subjects and meeting the above graduation requirements. A fee of 5.00 is charged for the regular Baptist Bible Institute Diploma. Regulations STANDARDS OF LIFE Personal standards of life must be on the highest plane, not only to assist the student in forming life long habits of spiritual value, bur also to protect the good name of the School. If a Stu· dent is not willing to submit his personal life to the discipline of the Word of God; he will neither enjoy nor profit by his studies in B. B. I. 11 T here must be growth in grace as well as in know ledge. The emphasis is on Christian living as w ell as Chris– tian doctrine,- life as well as light." tudents who do not voluntarily cooperate with the regula– tions and standards of the Institute, both while at School and wh ile at home on vacation, may be invited to withdraw at any time. GENERAL REGULATIONS tudenc are urged to et aside a definite period each day, preferably in the morning, for priva te devotions. Regular attend– ance at tudenc prayer meetings and chapel exer ise aid the student in maintaining healthy spiritual life. All student are required to attend each Lord 's D ay t:he ervice of a cripcural and spiritual church which i approved by the Institute. Pcge N ine t e en
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