1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

I B. B. I. Offers You • • • 1. Adequate academic standards. 2. Bible-centered, Christ-centered courses. 3. Carefully planned curriculum ,and..._ Christ-honoring teaching. ' · 4. Delightful fellowship with those of like precious faith. 5. Every advantage in a great center of culture, science, industry, commerce and art. 6. Finest location in the nation with over 75,000,000 people within a radius of 500 miles. 7. Godly faculty, spiritually and scholastically qualified. \ SCHOOL VERSE 11 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and in– creasing in the knowledge of God." Col. 1:10 SCHOOL MOTTO 1 'For the 1V ord of God, and for the testimony of Jes1,s Christ." . l,lev. 1:9 .J.J.Z.JZP,I f.i,1,1 t,f r 1,t 11,J t,I t PJ..!,1 ! I ,I q t,J t t t Ir I t,j t,I t t,t,f t,I r i *,I t,I •,t t,J bf t I i,t *,It It It t t J,t Gtl 1 ,IXI t I I II l,t