1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

f mm1mum of one hour per week of practica! Chri tian er– i e i r quir d of each cudent. A ignment given through the practical 'i orl department mu t be fulfilled a pecified. tudent are exp ected co maintain the highest hri tian stand– ard in dress, deportment, peech and habits at all time . Proper dre for your,g ladie is co. be interpreted as meaning dres of modest and onservative length and style. Ladies' slacks are per– mitted only for hike , hor eback riding, etc. hons and midriffs w ill not be colerated on any occasion. Men are expected to dress neatly at all times, wearing coats or sweaters and ties in class rooms and d ining hall. Part-time employment to assi t in defraying expenses may be obtained af ter permission has been granted by the Dean. tudents are .!10t permitted to work more than twenty-four hours a week and carry a full course of studies. Although the Institute is not -able to guarantee employment, we seek to assist needy students 1n ecuring employment. Six hours of assigned work each week will be required oi students living in the dormitory. Dormitory students are required to furnish their own towels, wash cloths, blankets, comforters, a bedspread, sheets and pillow cases, dresser scarfs, and desk lamp. All the e art:cles must have proper identification marks. Married students must prov ide their own living quarters. The Institute will assist in locating proper housing as far as possible. Ali housing must be approved by the Institute. Students who marry before completing their courses will be require_d to leave school, unless permission _has been obtained ~rom the Executive Committee. Permission for the use of cars and radios must be secured through the Dean. Textbooks, mimeographed notes, and supplies are to be pur– chased in the Institute book store. Each student should possess a Scofield Reference Bible and an American Standard Version Bible. The rights and privileges of every student will be protected, but disloyalty, backbiting, and destructive criticism will not be tolerated. CLASS ATTENDANCE Each student is required co attend every class in which he is enrolled unless hindered by sickness or ocher unavoidable circum– stances. Any student who is absent from class more than twice in any one term or semester, must submit an excuse for approval. Only in case of an excused absence is the pupil permitted to make Page Twenty