1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
up his work. If a tudenr is ab enc more than twice without an acceptable excuse, he automatically forfeit hi right to receive credit. Three times tardy will count as one absence. CHAPEL Every enrolled student in Day and Evening classes is required co attend Chapel services. The purpose of the Chapel service is to unite the student body in a proficable and refreshing period of devotion and inspiration. Faculty members and visiting pastors, teachers, preachers and missionaries will have charge of these periods. EXAMINATIONS Evening chool examinations are given during the 12th or clo ing week of each term. ix-week tests and final semester e - aminations are given in the Day chool. The purpose of these tests is not merely to show the student what he does not know, but to confirm to him the confidence that he has retained certain essential facts which are vital to his further study and spiritual life and work. No soldier of the Lord develops in effectiveness without being put to the test. All examinations must be taken at the time appointed. No late examinations can be taken unless permission ha.s been received from the Institute Office. A fee of 1.00 will be charged for each late examination and only a passing grade (D) will be allowed. Those who take late examinations due to death in the family or illness (in which case a certificate from the doctor or school nurse must be presented) will recei\e the full grade co which they are entitled. To receive credit, work must be completed, including all ex– aminations, within six weeks after the end of the term or semester. GRADING SYSTEM A -,- 97- 100 Very Superior A 94- 96 upenor A- 90- 93 E cellent B+ 87- 89 Very Good B 84- 86 a tisfactory B- 80- 83 Good 75- 79 Fair D 70- 74 Poor but pa sing 65- 69 * ondition f Below 65 **Failure I ***Incomplete *" '' ( ondition) mean that the tudent mu t take a r - amina– tion or turn in work r commend d by ch in tructor in ord r to r e1 e pa ing grade ot "D " . Page Twenty-::> ne
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