1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

** "F" (Failure} m an that h mu t take the cour e again before he an r cei e credit. *** " I" (Incomplete} mean chat work which i marked " I " may be mad up wi thin six week . In ca e of eriou illne or ocher emergency che time limit may be extended co six mooch by pecial permission ; if the work is not made up with in the limit fixed, che grade i changed co "F" (Failure) . Standard Christian Education Course Bible Personal Evangelism Missions Semester Hours 8 2 2 Class Hours 144 36 36 Biblical Introduction ................................................ 1 18 Bible Geography ................................................................. 1 ................................... .... 18 Child Studv .. . . ............................................................... 1 Pedagogy .................................................................................. 1 Sunday School Administration ............................. 1 Departmental Specialization ... ........... ................ 3 18 18 18 54 Electives 4 .................................... 72 Totals .............................................. 24 432 The Baptist Bible Institute is a member of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association and offers the required subjects of its Standard Training Course in the Day and Evening Schools. All graduates of the regular Day and Evening School Courses will be awarded the Teacher's Diploma by the Association on payment of the $2.00 fee. Qualified students may matriculate for the Teacher's Diploma only, completing the Standard Training Course in approximately one year in the Day School or two years (two evenings per week) in the Evening School. By care– fully selecting the proper courses an earnest student may com– plete the Standard Training Course by attending one evening per week for four years. P age Twenty-two