1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
Description oJ Courses NUMBERING SYSTEM The numbering system used with each course makes possible easy identification of the year, department of instruction, and semester or term the subject is caught. The f irsc digit indicates the year the course is caught. The second digit indicates the de– partment of study in which the course is found. The last digit shows the semester the course is taught. Courses ending in odd numbers indicate first sem,ester courses in the Day School and first and third terms in the Evening School. Courses ending in even numbers indicate second semester Day School subjects and second term Evening School subjects. All Evening School courses are pre-lettered "E" for evening. For example: 101 indicates First year, department of Biblical Exposition, and First semester. I. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLI CAL EXPOSITION ( 000 and 010 ) The aim of chis department is to give the student a working knowledge of every pare of the Bible. Certain pivotal books are given more thorough and detailed treatment. I. Bible Hi sto ry The historical portions of both the Old and New Testaments are studied in detail. This course is designed co give the student an efficient knowledge and spiritual understanding of the history of God's dealing with man from the Creation onward through the Patriarchal, Tribal, and National History of Israel; a thor– ough study of the life and times of Christ, the founding and growth of the Christian Church as described in the Acts, and the oral and written ministry of the Apostle Paul. A. Old Testament History (Genesis through Nehemiah). 101, 102: OLD TE TAMENT HISTORY. A detailed study of the hi corical portions of the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the Roman conque c of P ale cine. This course includes eography of Bible Lands, in whi h a hi corical and de cripci e Bible atla , such a the one by Dr. J. L. Hurlbut, i tudied to how the nature and extent of the Old Te ramenc and New Testament world and the phy i al feature of Pale tine and other Bible land . Along with map making i a ar ful tudy of citie , town , ea , lake , ri er and th topography of th land. The ~ ge fwenty-.,eve n
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