1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
J J J di tincti the anou f ature of Bibl geography are carefully related to p riod of Bible hi tory. Dcq• chool: three hours, two semesters, first year. ElO l, 102, 103: OLD TE TAME T HI T RY (Genesis through Nehemiah). El'ening chool: one hour, three terms, first ,year. E131: GEOGRAPHY OF BIBLE LAND . Ei•ening chool: one hour, one term, first J'ear. B. N w Te rament History (Matthew through Acts). 201: LIFE OF CHRIST. Somces of Christ's life, the world in which He lived, the virgin birth, the years of preparation, the home at Nazareth, the baptism and temptation, the ministry, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Day School: two hours, first semester, second year. E301, E302: LIFE OF CHRIST. Evening Sch ool: one hour, two terms, third year. 202: ACTS OF THE APOSTLES AND LIFE OF PAUL. A detailed tudy of the first half of the Book of Acts, noting the beginning and development of the Christian church. Also an in– tensive study of the missionary journeys of Paul, as recorded in the latter half of Acts, personal glimpses of the life of Paul, and the time, place and conditions under which his epistles were written. Day School: two hours, first se11zester, second year. E303: ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. Evening School: one hour, third tet·m, third J 1 ear. 2. Bible Book Study The authorship, date, position in the Canon, and divisions of the theme are noted. Each book receives synoptical treatment with the most important portions studied in detail. Books from Esther through Revelation are considered, except those studied under Bible History and Bible Analysis. 111, 112: OLD TESTAMENT POETRY. The distinctive characteristics of Hebrew Poetry are examined; the various forms being illustrated and explained. The Poetical books ~re studied for their doctrinal and practical value. The Book of Psalms is treated in detail with special attention being given the Messianic Psalms. First semester in Day School, the following books are studied: Job, Psalms, and the historical book of Esther. The sec- P a ge T w enty-eight
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