1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
ond semester in Day chool, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are studied. Day chool: two hours, two semesters, second J'ear. Elll, E112, E113: OLD TESTAMENT POETRY. Evening chool: one hour, three terms, first year. 303, 304: 0. T. PROPHETIC BOOKS. The major prophetic books of the Old Testament, except Daniel (see Bible Analysis), are studied in chronological order. The great prophetic themes of j these books are examined both in their fulfilled and unfulfilled aspects. The minor prophetic books of the Old Testament are carefully examined for their important message in both near and far fulfillment. The aim of this course is to acquaint the student with che facts of history and prophecy in such a manner as to cause these little-known books to live in his experiences. Day chool: two hours, two semester.;, third year. E201, E202, E203: OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS. Ezekiel through Malachi, except Daniel. Evening chool: one hour, three terms, second year. 305, 306: NEW TE TAMENT EPISTLE . (Omitting those i studied under Bible Analysis). An introductory study of the r epistles giving the date and place of writing, author, occasion, purpose, theme and a synopsis of the message of each epistle. Day chool: two hours, two semesters, third year. E305, E306, E307: NEW TESTAMENT EPISTLES: Evening chool: one hour, three terms, third year. 3. Bibl e Anal ysi s Analysis is a critical and careful study of the authorship, cir– cumstances, theme, chapters, verses, sentences and words of Holy Writ. These courses are designed to lead the student into habits of study which will enable him to understand the minute exact– ness and depth of the meaning of God's Word. 103, 104: THE EPI TIE TO THE ROMANS. This tremen– dously important book of ba ic Christian doctrine and practice i expounded in derail. The aim is co ground che tudent o thoroughly in these ital teachings that he will never be haken and always be ready to tate the truth of the Go p 1 with accuracy and larity. Day chool: two hours, first semester, first J 1 ear. 105, 106, 107: TH PI TL TO TH R MAN . t ' ning chool: one hour, three tertns, first y m-. Paqe Twen•y nin e
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