1950-1951 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
highest and best for His very own and is studied for its rich depth of doctrinal and practical values. Day chool: two hours, second semester, third year. E401: GALATIANS AND JAMES. Evening chool: one hour, second term, fourth year. 4. Typical and Topical Study 207: TYPOLOGY. This course is designed to introduce to the student the Scriptural use of God's own Old Testament illus– trations for New Testament doctrine. It opens a fruitful field for sermonic material. The student makes a general survey of the Old Testament types, with special emphasis upon types of Christ found in persons, events and the Tabernacle. Day chool: one hour, second semester, second year. E208, E209: TYPOLOGY. Evening chool: one hour, second and third terms, second year. II. DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMATIC BIBLE DOCTRINE ( 020) The aim of this department is to establish the student in all the essential doctrines of Christianity as revealed in the Word of God. A detailed systematic and Scriptural study is made of the Doctrines of God, Man, Sin, Angels, Satan, Demons, the Church, alvation, Future Events, Death, the Second Coming of Christ, and the Future State. The great words of Scripture, such as Adoption, Atonement, Faith, Justification, Regeneration, Re– demption, Righteousness, Grace, Prayer, the Church, etc., are studied, defined and explained. 122: DOCTRINE I- Theology and Christology. The fact of God, the nature of God, His attributes, His names, the Trinity and the decrees of God are carefully studied. The humanity, deity, character and work of .Jesus Christ are studied during the second emester. Dn)' chool: two hours, second semester, first year. 221, E222, E223: THEOLOGY AND CHRI TOLOGY. Evening chool: one hour, three t erms, second )'ear. 221, 222: DO TRI E II - Pneumatology, Anthropology, Hamartiology and oteriology. The Biblical doctrines of the natur , names, per on and work of the Holy pirit; the reation, ondition, probation and fall of Man; the doctrin , of in and Pog T'l rty-one / V
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