1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
GLE T ~ H . DAVI In st ru ctor in B ibl e, P ersonal l~vang elism . Graduate, Philadelphi a chool of the Bible, '37; D irecto r, Timelv T rut h Broackas ts ove r t a t ion in Philadelphia, New York and Boston," '34-43; I asto r, Good. ear H eights ommunity hurch, Akron, Ohio, '46-47; Pasto r, Bethlehem Bapti t hurch, le\·el und, '47- ; In structor, H.B. I., '49-. RAYMOND W. GOODWIN I ns tru ctor in English and Chris tian Life. B.A., Oberlin College, '18; Teacher, Sta te Hi gh School, 5 yea rs: He– sea rch a nd Supervision, General Elect ric Lamp Depa rtment, 25 years; In tructor, B .B.I., '47- . A~DRE\V Kl'\'IETKO Instru ctor in Bible . tudent, :\kron Bible Institute, '41 -42 : Student Pastorates in Ncw York State, '42-44; Graduate, Practical Bible Tra ining School, '45: Pastor, H a tch Hollow Baptist Church, Union City, Pennsylvania, '45- 48; P astor, Scranton Road Baptist Church, Cle\·el and, '4 ; Student, Cleveland Bible College, '50- ; Instructor, B .R.I., '!iO- . ..\LLA:N" E DWARD LEWIS Treasurer: Instructor in Bible Anal_y sis, Uaptist Pol ity. Graduate, Moody Bible Institu te. '42; Northern Baptist Seminary, '42-44; Pastor, Randolph St. Baptist Church, Cha rleston, W . Va., '44-48 ; Th.B ., Burton College. ·.1,6: Pastor, Nottingham Baptist Church , Cleveland, '48----; Instructor, B. R. I., '48----. DONALD MacDONALD Vic e President: Instructor in Life of Christ, Bible Analysis. Graduate, Providence Bible Institute, '37; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Troy, New Hampshire, '35-37: P.tstor, Bellerose Baptist Church, Bellerose, New York, '37-47: F aculty member, America n Sem– inary of the Bible, Brooklyn, Kew York, '40-47: F aculty member. Alba ny Bible Institute, Albany, New York, '45-47; Pastor, Hough Avenue Ba pti st Church, Clevelanci. ' .1,7- ; Instructor, B.B.I., '48----. JOHN E . MARGENE I ns tructor in Christian Education , Bible Doctrine. Student , National Bible Institute, '31-33; Gordon College, '33-34 ; Gr aduate, Moody Bible Institute, '37: Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Pa inesvi lle, 0 ., '38-40; Pastor, Hermon Baptist Church, Hermon, N. Y., '-1-0-42 : Director of Yictory Center and Pastor of Cassville Baptist Chu rch, Cassville, N. Y., '42-44; P astor, Grace Baptist Church, Will – ohee, 0 ., '4-4-49; Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Meadville, Pennsyl– ,·ania, '49-: Youth Evangelist, .Director of Youth Camps a ncl Vaca– tion Bible Schools, '31- ; Instructor, B.B.I., '48----. PACL F. D,VARD ~fcCULLOUGH Tnstructor in Biblical lntroduct io11, Apologeti cs, Bible Doctrine, lJ ible .l nalysis, Anthropology. Graduate, Philadelphia School of the Bible, '41; Interim Past or, '41-4:i: Student, Grace Theological Semin a ry, '4,2-44: Student, Dall as Theo– lo{rical Semina ry, '45; B. A., Columbia Bible College, '46; B .D ., Winona Lake School of Theology, '50; Ca ncl iclate for Th.M. Deg ree. W inona Lake School of Theology ; Instructor, B.B.I., '47'-. -8-
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