1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
EDWI~ WALTER :'.\IILLER Instructor in Bible Analysis, Missions, IlomilPtics, Speech. ~ tudent, North American Baptist Seminary, '-1-1-·i:l; Pastor, Elim Chapel, Racine. ,visconsin, '44-45; B .:\ ., " 'heaton Colleire. '.Vi; Pastor, Cass Church, H insclale, Illinois, '45-48; M .:\ ., \\'hea ton C'olleire Grad– uate School. '51; Northern Baptist Theological Se111inary, '·Vi-+R: Pastor, Rrin :\\·enue Baptist Church, CleYelancl, '. j.fi- : G raclw1tc Study, \Vestern Reserve, '48-; Instructor. n.n.1., '.Hl-. CHARLES ALFRED OHMAK Instructor in BiblP .-1nalysis, Practical 1'hl'olo.<;!J · Graduate, Mood~· Bible Institute, General Course. ·~:l, )1 issiorrn r~· Course, '24; Th. B., E,•angel Seminary, .Tersey City. ~ .. I .• ·:31: Pastor. Evangelical Churche. in Ohio, '26-29; Assistant 1>astor. ~ orth Hapfo:t Church, Jersey City. N. J ., '29-31; Pastor, Merrit Park Gospel Church, Cresskill, N . J., '31-3:J; Pastor, Bridgewater I3apfo:t Church, Montrose, Pa., '33-42; Pastor, The Gospel Church, CleYelan<l. ·.t:l- ; President and Director, Eriesicle Bible Conference :\ ssociation. ·.~:J- ; l nstructor, B.B.I., '43- . \' ILLIA:M J. \YILSOX Instructor in Bible . lnalysis, Baptist Polif.11. Practical ThPology. Graduate, Philadelphia School of the Bible, ·.11: Pastor, \'enice Bap– tist Church, \'enice Center, N. Y., '43-H: l';i stor, Northeast Baptist Church, Millerton, N. Y., '44-49: Calrnry B;iptist Church, Painesville, Ohio, '49-; Instructor, B.B .I., '50-. DONALD B. \VOODBY Director of Christian Service, Special ]111;/ructor. B.A ., Fairmont State College, West \'iqdnia, ·.rn: Pastor. Hrnnswi<"k, Ohio, '49-50; Graduate, Baptist Bible Institute. '51; P:istor, Hanlcn Avenue Gospel Church, '51-; Instructor, n .B.1.. '51-. Xote: Director$ are pl'anni11g to add two additional full - time fa cult.If membe,·s by September 1, 1951. SPECL\L .\:-.;D ASSISTA~T J~~TUUCTORS HE~ RY A. CRUVER Instructor in Life of Christ, llible, Personal Evangelism, Anti– Chri8tian Cults. Graduate. Philadelphia School of the Bihie, '26; Pastor, 1Iollisterdll<' and Elmhurst Baptist Churches, Penna., '26-29; Pastor, First Baptist Church, Findlay, Ohio, '29-32; Pastor, First Baptist Church. Curwinf;– ,•ill , Penna ., '32-35; Pastor, Baptist Church, I ,aGran~e Ohio, ':Hi-42: Jewish Evnnf!;elism nnrl Bible Teacher '43; Spe11ker, Youth ('hur<"h of the Air, '44; Pastor, Communitr Bapti. t h11rd1. Bedford, Ohio, '-1-6 ; Instructor, B.B .I., '44-. -9-
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