1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
approved fi t of educational institutions of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches and is an acti,·e member of the Evangelical Teacher Training As ociation. In October, 1949, the Institute was accredited by the Accrediting As ociation of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges (Intermediate Di"i ion ). The Institute has sought to maintain superior spiritual and a<:ademic tandards and as a result the cha racter and abilities of stu– d nt coming from many different stat~s has been unusually high. :\-fay, 1951, marks another important step forward in the history of B. B. I. The Directors approved the revision of the charter so that theological degrees may be issued. The Executive Committee and Faculty approved the installation of additional courses offering a four year program leading to a Bachelor of Religions Education degree. They also approved a five year program leading to the Bachelor of Theology degree. Full Approval has been granted by the Secretary of , tate of Ohio for the granting of Theological degrees and the new corporation cha rter now reads: "To conduct a theological school for the teaching and train– ing of ministers, missionaries and teachers of the Gospel, for the granting of theological degrees and diplomas which have rnlue in religious and ecclesiastical fields; to disseminate Christian knowledge and information; to receive, collect, and disburse funds. and to erect, acquire, own, manage or rent property , all in further – ance of the above purposes." We praise the Lord for the way He has lead and bl es<.ed in growth and expansion! PURPOSE The courses of the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland are Bible– <' ntered and Christ-centered. and designed primarily to give a thor– ough knowledge of the \Yord of God . Bible doctrine , spiritual life. and practical servic are properly empha ized. Believing that the c,e rvant of Jesus Christ hould ha,·e uperior scholarship, spiritual power, broad vision and holy passion, the Institut endeavors to send forth those adequate ly trained to meet the challenge of the hour. Taking a positiv stand again t all denials of the faith once-for– all d liver d to th aints, and teaching epa ration from all forms of religious apostasy and rror , th Institute places the infallible and in\'iolabl \\rord of God at th v ry center of its cur riculum. The ourses ofi r d by the Baptist Bibi In titute have b en 1•1ut-fuIIJ planned for the purpose of providing \'ari d training for the follow mg . - 13 -
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