1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

I. P ersons planning to be ome full- time, life-ser vice worke rs, wi tne se , teachers , pastors, missionaries, or evangelis ts for Christ. 2 . Young people who wish to become established in the funda– mental truths of the Word of God before attending college or seminary. 3. Graduates of colleges or seminaries who wi sh to supplement t hei r training by a thorough study of the Bible under a con– sis tent, premillennial, and scriptural interpretation. 4. P ersons not sure they are called or fitted for full-time Chris– tian work, who desire to know God's plan and purpose for their li ves , or who desire to become more effective in the Lord's service through the local church. ADVANTAGES IN CLEVELAND Cleveland is the sixth city in population in the United States. It is a beautiful cfty of homes, trees and parks. It has a lake frontage of about 25 miles. Many thousands of fine trees, which gave Cleveland the name "The Forest City," still remain, and ravines and gorges cut by streams and rivers running into Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga Valley make Cleveland's city p:irks and its 10,000 acres of "Metro– politan Park" system of rare picturesque beauty. Cleveland is nationally acknowledged to be the ideal Conventi011 City. Its location is uncxcelled. One-half the population of the United States and Canada is within a radius of 500 miles of Cleveland. It is a great railway and transportation center. The Union Station ranks with the largest in the country and embraces approximately 35 acres in the heart of downtown Cleveland. The Cleveland Airport is the largest municipal airport in the world, and the center of aviation research and production. Cleveland is a great Cultural Center. It has the second largest public library in America. The historical and art museums, Severance Hall (home of the Cle,·eland Symphony Orchestra), the Public Audi– torium and great Com·ention Hall have their cultural value. Cleveland is the home of Western Reserve University, (including its downtown di vision, Cleveland College), Case Institute of Technology, John Car– roll University, Notre Dame College, Ursuline College, Fenn College, Baldwin-Wallace and other leading institutions. Cleveland is a great Church Center. There are hundreds of churches, representing all denominations. The growing number of fundamental churches, religious radio broadcasts, gospel testimonies, and youth rallies afford many opportunities for practical Christian work. - 14-