1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
LOCATION AND FACILITIES The Baptist Bible Institute is conveniently located and comfortably housed in the educational building of the commodious Hough Avenue Baptist Church, East 82nd and Hough Avenue, Cleveland. Twelve large, well-lighted class rooms on the third floor of the building are used for the Institute classes, library and study hall, with additional rooms on the first floor for Chapel, music classes, offices, and bookstore. A spacious and comfortably furnished brick dormitory, accommo– dating forty-nine out-of-town students, is located at 1469 East Boule– vard. The beautifully landscaped grounds, o,·erlooking scenic Wade Park, provide places for rest and recreation. VETERANS' TRAINING B. B. I. has full vete rans' approval. Both young men and young women are now enrolled under this veterans' training program. Matric– ulation, registration, textbooks and living expenses are provided by the Government for those who meet conditions and maintain the standards required. STUDENT DEFERMENT The following Section from Selecti,·e Service Regulations dated July 15, 1950 pertains to the classification of ministers of religion and students of divinity. Class IV-D is a deferred classification. "(a) In Class IV-D shall be placed any registrant: (1) (2) (3) (4) Who is a regular minister of religion; Who is a duly ordained minister of religion; Who is a student preparing for the ministry under the direction of a recognized church or religious or– ganization and who is satisfactorily pursuing a full– time course of instruction in a recognized theological or divinity school; or Who is a student preparing for the ministry under the direction of a recognized church or religious or– ganization and who is satisfactorily pursuing a full– time course of instruction leading to entrance into a r cognized theological or divinity school in which he has been pre-enrolled." B. B. I. is prepared to pre-enroll students who are now Juniors or niors in high school, with the understanding that, at the end of the high school care r, all grades and other requir ments are acceptable. These prospectiv students should how vidence of serious intention for training and the l ading of the Lord to full-time service. The pro- p ctiv stud nt' chur h or pastor should be c rtain of the student's int ntion and forward n cessary information to the Registrar concerning tl1 student's sine rity and g nuineness in pursuing a ministerial course. - 15-
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