1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

STUDENT ACTIVITIES DeTJotional . In addition to pri\'at devotions and w · ·kly dor mitory prayer me ting , the ·tud r.t mee t r gularly for half-hour prayer meeting b fore cla c ion b gin. Sp cial day of prayc1· are onducted throughout the year . Prai e, pray r, wor hip ancl practical Christian li\'ing and cr\'k are tre s d during daily chap<'! period . Social. The fall reception in charge of the Faculty, the Chri<,l mas party, the spring fellow hip, the annual Institute Banquet in May, and other ocial e,·ent under the direction of the Social Com– mittee provide wholesome fellow hip for the students. Christian Service. Per onal soul winnino-, tract di tribution. house to hou e visitation, Sunda~· School clas es, Bible Clubs, go pet teams, radio broadcasts and en·ices in churches, jails, ho pita ls. and missions pro\'ide practical experience in Christian service. Some of the students serve as pastors of churche , church secretaries, church \'isitor , etc. B. B. I. ?;O pel teams have been u ed of God to hrin~ salYation and edification to many ouls. Organizations. The Student Council , Foreign ~Ji ions Fellow– ship, Tract Club. Christian Education Club, B. B. I. "Testimony ". and. the yearbook "1fa rturion' ' pro,·id.e channel for Christian µ:rowth ancl service. Institute Choir. B. H. I. Choir presents the finest in choral elet·– tions at conferences, <'Ommen('ement and musical pro~rams. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS The Institute welcomes tudents from all churches and denomina – tions who are teachable and willing to submit to the authority of tht' Word of God. All applicants for admission must be of apprm·ed Christian character and in sound physical health. A thorough phy – sical examination, with blood tests and inoculations, is recommended . A certificate of health from the examining physician must accompany the application. The applicant should give evidence of the new birth through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be willing to submit to all the regulations and standards of the School. The prospectin student should be at least eighteen years of age and be recommended hy his or her pastor. Regular Day School students shall have completed high school work. Those not meeting tliese requirements shall be considered special students and will recei\'e a certificate upon graduating, if high school work has not been completed. General aptitude and I. Q. tests will be gh-en prospecti,·e students who do not hold a high school diploma . Students tran £erring from other schools must present a transcript of credits and a letter of honorable dismissal. These should be mailed - 16-