1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
directly to the Registrar from the chool whid1 the student is leaving-. tudent with satisfactory records from othe r schools of approved tanding may receive credit for co urses paralleling those offered at B. B. I. A student must spend at least one year in r esidencc at B. B. I . in orde r to recei ve the diploma. MANNER OF APPLYING I. Application Blank at back of catalog- should be filled in, witT1 no omissions, by the applicant and returned to the School. 2. A recent small picture of the prospective student , a ce rtificate of health from a physician , and th e application fe e of $:LOO mu t a ccompany the application form. :l. A transcript of high school eredits. also a trans c ript of all work taken above high school level must be presented in order to complete the application . These transcripts should be mail~d directly to the Registrar by the issuing school. ·k Applications should be sent s ufficiently early to allow time to evaluate the information and notify the <;tudent of the Institute's decision. Note: By action o f the Boa rd of Directors 110 one who is diq1rced or who is 111arriecl to a divorced person will be admitted as a st udent. REGISTRATION Registration days for each seme~ter will be found Ii t ed in tlH' Institute Calendar. Applications .,hould be s ubmitted to the R ep; istrar ·s Office at lea t 30 days before the beginning of any g-iH'n semes te r . An additional fee of $2.00 will be charged for reg·i trntio11s later than registration day, but during the rt'gistration p e riod . Tht· regis I ration period will close two week.,. after the day clas e.. ta rt. . "ehedull's may b altered during the r g;i ..tration period..\ cla-..s cl ropped a fler th dos of the two wel'k regi. tra tion p ritHl w i 11 he l"on. idertd a failure. F will not lw refunded after tht' clo-..1· of lllt' rt'g-i~tration period. 17 -
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