1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

from any class or exercise of the first day after a vacation or from any class or exercise of the last day before vacation. RADIO FEE of $2.00 per year will be charged those who receive permission for use of radio in dormitory. MUSIC FEES: Class or private instruction, both vocal or instru– mental, may be arranged through the instructor. Piano classes cost $18.00 per semester. DIPLOMA FEES: A fee of $5.00 is charged for the Baptist Bible Institute diploma. A fee of $2.00 is charged for the Evangelical Teacher Training diploma. A fee of $10.00 is charged £or the Bachelor of Religious Education diploma. A fee of $10.00 is charged for the Bachelor of Theology diploma. CE RTIFICATE FEES: A fee of $5.00 is charged for the Baptist Bible Institute certificate. TRANSCRIPT OF CREDITS: The first one will be issaed free, and a fee of $1.00 will be charged for each additional transcript. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Diplomas and Degrees are granted upon the following conditions: I. Approved Christian character evidencing spirituality, stability, cooperation, and soundness of doctrine. 2. Satisfactory grades in all subjects. 3. Co rrect and effective use of the English language. 1. Evidence of zeal in Christian tes timony and service. 5. The :!ppr oval of the F aculty and the Board of Directors. DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES T he Bap t ist Bible Institute d iploma will be awarded those completing the requi red subjects and meeting the above graduation requirements. The Bachelor of Religious Education and the Bachelor of Theology degrees will be presented to those completing the respec– tive required work and meeting the above graduation requirements. T he £,·angelical T eaeher Training diploma will be awarded those who have completed the required subjects. REGULATIONS STANDARDS OF LIFE P rsonal standa rds of li fe must b~ on the highest plane, not only to assist the stud nt in forming life long habits of spiritual \'alue, but also to prot ct the good name of the School. If a student i not willing to submit his per onal life to the discipline of the Word of God, h w1ll n ither njoy nor profit by his studies in 19 -