1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
Textbook , mimeographed notes, and supplies may be purchased in the In titute book store. Each student must possess a Scofield Ref– erence Bible and an American Standard Ver ion Bible. The right and pri\'ileges of eve ry student will be protected , but disloyalty, backbiting, and dest ructi"e criticism will not be tolerated . CLASS ATTENDANCE Each student is required to attend e"ery class in which he is enrolled unless hindered by sickness or other unavoidable circumstances . ..\.ttendance reco rds are kept for eal'h l'lass. Unexcused absences per class for any ing·le semester must not number more than the number of time the class meet each week. ..\.ny student who is ab ent from class should submit an excuse for approval. Only in case of an excused absence is the pupil per– mitted to make up his work. If a student is absent without an accept– able excuse, he automatically forfeits his right to receive credit for the work mi sed dne to the absence. Three times tardy will count as one absence. If absent from class for any reason, the student should secure proper excuse blank and fill out ca refully , stating reason for absence and take to Registrar for approval. He should then take the appro,·ed blank to each teacher from whose class he wa absent for initialing and return initialed blank to Registrar for filinµ;. All arrangements for make up work mu t be made with ea<"h Tn tructor within ( 10 ) ten day . of the absenl't' date. All make up work nel't'Ssary. due to a student's abs nee. must b completed within ( :I ) thre wt'ek of the ab. ent·e date. CHAPEL E ery tud nt i required to attend hapel ervices. The pur– pose of th hap I erviee is to unite the tudent body in a profitable snd refr shing p riod of derntion and in piration. Faculty memb rs and isiting psstors, t a<'her<;. pr ach rs and mis ionari . will htt\'e ·hsrge of th se period . - 21 -
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