1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

its Standard Training Course. All gradual s of B. B. I. wi11 be award– d the T acher' s diploma by the Association. Students are not permitted to t11 ke elective courses unless their average grade in all subjects is 85% or above. 1. DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL EXPOSITION The aim of this department is to give the student a working knowledge of every part of the Bible. Certain pivotal books are given more thorough and detailed treatment. 1. Bible History The historical portions of both the Old and New Testaments are studied in detail. This course is designed to give the student an efficient knowledge and spiritual understanding of the history of God's dealing with man from the Creation onward through the Patriarchal, Tribal and National History of Israel; a thorough stndy of the life and times of Christ, the founding and growth of the Christian Church as described in the Acts, and the oral and written ministry of the Apostle Paul. 101. 102. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY (Genesis through ,Y<'hcmiah). A detailed study of the historical portions of the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the Roman conquest of Palestine. This course includes Geography of Bible Lands, in which a historical and descriptive Bible atlas, such as the one by Dr. J. L. Hurlbut, is studied to show the nature and extent of the Old Testa– ment and New Testament worlds and the physical features of Palestine and other Bible lands. Along with map making is a careful study of the cities, towns, seas, lakes, rivers, and the topography of the land. The distinctive features of Bible geogTaphy are carefully related to the various periods of Bible history. Three hours, two semesters, first year. 111. NE,V TESTAMENT HISTORY (Life of Christ). Sources of Christ's life, the world in which He lived, the virgin birth, the year of preparation, the home at Nazareth, the baptism and temptation, the ministry, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Two hours, first semester, second year. 112. NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY ( Acts and Life of Paul) . •\ detailed study of the first half of the Book of Acts, noting the begin– ning and development of the Christian church. Also an intensiYe and conditions under which his epistles were ,Vl'itten. Two hours, second semester, second year. - 26 -