1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

Faith, Ju tification, Regene ration, Redemption, Right eousness, Gran· : Prayer, the Church. etc.. are studied, defined and explained. :211, 212. SYSTE:\IATIC THEOLOGY, Prolegomena (Introduction ), Bibliology_, Theology Proper , Christology, Pneumatology. The import – ance, nece sity. aim, content, sources and method of Systematic The– ology are first discussed, followed by the evidences for DiYine reYela– tion and the facts nrrounding the inspiration , canon and text of the Scriptures. Cnder the third division, the existence, nature, dec rees and works of God are thoroughly investigated. This is followed by a study of the pe rson and work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Three hours, both semesters, second year. 311, 312 . SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. Anthropology , Hamarti -– ology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Angelology , Eschatology. These studie<; begi n with a consideration of the creation, constitution and fall of man. Cnder the second and third div is ions th e Biblical teaching concerning the results of sin and the salvation of God are cO\·e red . The next sub– .iect is concerned with the chu rch, both as the body of Christ and as a local organization. Cnder Angelology are found the Biblical facts about spirit beings, fallen and unfallen. The consummation of the entire study deals with those e\'ents which are yet to transpire in the future; the Yast realm of unfulfilled prophecy. Three hours, both semesters, third year. 511. BIBLICAL THE OLOGY. Whereas Systematic Theology studies the Bible's doctrines topically, the method of Biblical Theology is his – torical and ch ronological. It emphasizes the growth and de,·e lopmcnt of all the Biblical teachings, but pays particular attention to its r e<l cmp– ti\'e content. Three hours, fifth year, first semester. 513. THEOLOGY OJ: CHRIST. Since Jesus interpreted the Old T estament's main mes age and laid the doctrinal foundation of th(' _Tew. a ca reful study of His teachings provides much valuable under – standing in connection with many subjects. This course includes ad– rnnced study in dispensationalism, Theology Proper. Christolog}·. Pneumatology. Soteriology , and Eschatology. Three hours, fifth .11ear, first semester. .51 1-. HI TORY OF DOCTRINE. \Yhil e the Bibl e i<; the final a11thorit~· in a1l matters pertaining to the Christian faith , much is to h<' gain d through a study of what has been proposed , accepted. and r e– jected during th past history of the Church. Practi ca1ly all modern her si s and le s r departures from the truth ha,·e appeared in th <' past. and were dealt with by the great Christian scho lars of those dav . . .'imilarly, many of th clearest and most Biblical definitiom of major dm trine. wer produ ed in former times. Thrn hours, fif th yea r, second semester. - 29 -