1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
IV. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND MISSIONS The aim of this department is to give the student a consecutive view of the epochs of Church History with doctrinal developments, ancient and modern heresies and the relation to contemporaneous social and political history) in the light of the divine foreview of the Church ·s true spiritual history, as given through the New Testament Epistles and the Book of Revelation. The student is given a panoramic view of missions from the earliest beginnings until the present day. There is included in the study of missions such m1tters as call , preparation, orientation, together with modern missionary problems and requirements. 211, 212. CHURCH HISTORY. The development of the Church is traced from the Apostolic Age through the Protestant Reformation and the period of Modern Missionary Conquest. Two hours, each semester, second year. 241. HISTORY OF MISSIONS. The Rise and Deve1opment of Missionary Endeavor from Apostolic Missions through the Period of Early Missionary Societies and culminating in World-\Vide Missionary Extension. Two hours, first semester, second year. 242. MODERN MISSIONS and MISIONARY PROBLEMS. Modem faith missiom, unoccupied fields and the present world mis– sionary outlook examined. The call, preparation, equipment, orienta– tion, problems of translation, transportation, governmental restrictions and other mis sionary problems are discussed. Visiting missionaries will deliver special lectures to the students. Two hours, secO'Tld semester, second year. 331. MISSIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY, COMPARATIVE RE– LIGIONS AND MODERN CULTS. A study of the natural history of mim, his physical character, geographical distribution, the origin and relationship of races, cultures, and religions, together with a study of the great ethnic religions of the world, noting the particular teach– ings of each, the effects upon human life and customs, and the con– trasts between them and revealed Christianity. Three hours, second semester, third year. 351. BAPTIST HISTORY. Tracing the beginnin~ of Baptist his– tory from the days of the early Church throu~h the :\fiddle Ages and up to modern times, revealing the fact th~t the fundamental teaching and practices of distinctive Baptil1t guiups antedated both the Roman Church and the Protestant Reformation. Two hours, •econd umester, third year. 353 , 354. WORLD HISTORY. History of man from ancieut times up to the present day. Three ho1tn, eQICh umnter, ti, ird year. - 31 -
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