1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

511. HISTORY OF THE REFOR)L\TIO . •. A Complcle history of the r formation p riod with empha i. on the Christian church and the Baptist po ition. Three hours, first sernester, third year. 512. HISTORY OF PROTESTANTISM IN AMERICA. Co,·ers the period from the early colonists down to the present time. Three hours, second semester, fifth year. V. DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY The purpose of this department is to deal with the practical details of the Christian worker's life and service, and to equip the student with methods and materials for effecti\'ely dealing with the souls of men for salrntion and edification. 131. PERSONAL EVANGELIS:'.\I. A thorough study of the most effecti\'e methods of Scripturally dealing with souls in personal work. Emphasis is laid upon Scripture memorization and the use of the Sword of the Spirit in winning the lo st to a sa,·ing knowledge of Christ. Two hours, first sernester, first year. B2 . CHRISTIAN ETHICS. The work of the Holy Spirit in the belie\'er, the Bible basis for a life of \'idory. and the ministry o.f prayer are studied to enable the student to live a life of Christ-honoring power and fruitfulness. An intimate and practical study of the New Testament passages which emphasize the believer's life and conduct. This enables the student to face and fulfill the standards which the Lord Jesus requires every true Christian to exemplify . Two hours, second semester, first year. 241. SERVICE SKILLS. A period in which the students present reports of practical work and problems encountered therein. ·They receive helpful criticism and suggestions for improving their service for Christ. One hour, fi.rst semester, second Jtear. 2,1,s. HO)fILETICS I. The importance of preaching, the value of preparation, the selection and interpretation of the text, the gathe ring and arranging of materials, the use of illustrations, etc. Two hours, first sernesfer, third year. 214. HOMILETICS II. The construction of sermons, the different types of sermons, the study of Bible sermons, and practice preach– ing with emphasis placed on poise, expression and effecti\·e delivery. Tu•o hours, second semester, third ,year. 1:!52. BAPTIST POLITY. A careful study of the distinet ;Ye princi– ples 1 and practices of Bible-believing Bapti;ts. Two hours, first sernester, third year. -32-