1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog

VII. DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES The Christian worker must have a practical and versatile know– ledge of the English language if he is to present ably and effectively the Gospe] of Christ. Emphasis is placed upon correctness of gram– mar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, diction, wrilten compo– sition and oral expression. 101. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. An advanced course (coll ege leYel) with a thorough review of gTammar and special emphasis upon rules and usage. Two hours, first semester, first year. 102. ADVANCED GRAMMAR. Three hours, second semester, first year. 243. ENGLISH RHETORIC. Students are trained in the correct and effective use of English. Themes, letters, tracts, articles for publication, etc., are written by students and discussed in class. Two hours, first semester, second year. 167. PUBLIC SPEAKING. A comprehensive study of the funda– mentals of speech, the techniques of voi ce control and phonetics , the form, content and delivery of formal , extemporaneous and impromptu speeches with practice before the class. Two hours, first semester, first year. 371. E NGLISH LITERATURE. Includes the English writers from Beowulf to Arnold. Three hours, first semester, fourth year. 372. AME RICAN LITERATURE . Includes the g-reatest contri– butions from t he colonial period up to the present time. Three hours, second semester, fourth y ear. 381, 382. I NTRODUCTORY GRE EK. An introductory course emphasizing vocabul ary, fo rms, and syntax designed to give a work– ing knowledge of New Testament G reek. T hree hours, each semes ter, th ird y ear. 383, 384. EW T EST AMENT GREEK. The student is given the opportunity to acquaint him elf fu rthe r wi th the language. The historical and comparath·e m thod will be used in study. Special attention will be given to translation . Three hours, each semester, fo urt h y ear. - 35 -