1951-1952 Baptist Bible Institute Catalog
5 5, 586. ADVA T ED REEK . R quired of all stud nts pursuin~ the fi,· y ar Pastor' cours . Pr requi it . Gr ek 3 3 and :18 J.. Thr ee hours, each semester, ·fifth ,11ear. VIII. DEPARTMENT OF SACRED MUSIC The purpose of this department is to give a general introduction to the theory and practice of Sacred 1Iusic:. Advanced courses in piano, voice and chorus may be arranged. 101. FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC AND CONDUCTING. A course designed to give a working knowledge of the es entials of mu it· , notes_. scales, time, terms, signatures, notation, tempo, rhythm. interrnl s_. musical terms, sight reading. and singing of simple melodie . Corred posture, tempo, interpretation and conducting technique in leading– congregational singing or chorus choirs are taught and practiced. Two hours, first semester, _first year. 167, 168. EVAXGELISTIC PIANO PLAYING. Hoth t'lass and private lessons may be arranged. One hour, each semester, 011e year. PRIVATF. LESSONS in Yo ice. Piano or other in ·trumenl.., may be ar ranged through the instructor. - 3b -
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