A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

Appendix D: Stress Assessment 200 Stress Assessment Assign each question a number according to the following scale. When you are finished, add up your numbers and look at the key that follows. 0: I seldom or never feel this way. 1: I sometimes (once a month or so) feel this way. 2: I often (more than once a month) feel this way. 3: I almost always feel this way. 1. Do you feel moody in the morning and have difficulty getting up? ____ 2. Do you experience slight fevers, signs of the flu, a sore throat, or tender lymph nodes? ____ 3. Are mornings the worst time of your day, with evenings being better? ____ 4. Do you fall asleep easily but wake early without being able to fall asleep again? ____ 5. Have you ever found yourself staring at a computer monitor, keyboard, or book, barely able to keep your head from dropping? ____ 6. Do you feel mentally sluggish, confused, and unresponsive? ____ 7. Has your short-term memory worsened, and do you have trouble concentrating? ____ 8. Has your daily activity dropped to below half of what it was before? ____ 9. Are your emotions relatively blunted, and do you often feel apathetic? ____ 10. Does your body ache all over, as if it is weaker than it used to be? ____ 11. When you exercise, do you feel debilitated for more than 12 hours afterward? ____ 12. Does your work stress you out to the point that you want to escape from it? ____ 13. Do you get headaches? ____ 14. Do you find yourself desperately wanting to avoid being with other people? ____ 15. Are you more impatient, irritable, nervous, angry, or anxious than you used to be? ____ Total score: ____ If your score is . . . Below 12: Your fatigue is within normal limits. Cut back on unnecessary stress wherever you can and improve your sleeping habits.