A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

108 Chapter 5: Training for Strength different compound lifts. Table 5.11 provides a sample strength training plan for novice lifters. Table 5.12 provides a sample strength training plan for intermediate lifters. Table 5.13 provides a sample strength training plan for advanced lifters. Table 5.9. Sample Exercises for the 5 Compound Lifts Compound Lift Sample Exercise Bench Barbell (BB)/dumbbell (DB) bench; BB/DB incline bench; dips Row Pendlay row, bent-over row; one-arm row; seated row Press BB/DB standing overhead press; BB/DB seated overhead press Squat Back squat; front squat; leg press Deadlift Conventional deadlift; sumo deadlift; hex bar deadlift Table 5.10. Sample Exercises for the Assistance Lifts Compound Lift Sample Exercise Bench Pec flyes; cable crossovers; JM press; overhead triceps extensions Row Reverse flyes; face pulls; hammer curls Press Poliquin lateral raises; front raises; skull crushers Squat Leg extensions; leg curls; lunges; sissy squat Deadlift Stiff-leg deadlift; Romanian deadlift; good mornings In terms of training volume, Israetel et al. (2015) recommends that no more than 15 total sets be performed for high-fatiguing exercises (e.g., compound lifts) and no more than 25 total sets be performed for low-fatiguing exercises (e.g., assistance lifts) per training session. Additionally, Israetel et al. (2015) suggests that performing less than 9 total sets per training session may result in a training stimulus that is too low to facilitate maximal gains in muscle size and/or strength. Zatsiorsky & Kraemer (2006) suggest that as many as 20-25 sets can be performed for each muscle group per training session. Remember, these are just recommendations. The prescribed number of sets should be tailored to the individual based on their ability to recover, current level of fitness, time availability, fitness goals and training / injury status. Table 5.11. Sample Novice Strength Training Plan Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 3 sets of 5 reps: •Bench •Row •Press 3 sets of 5 reps: •Squat •Lat pulldown •Deadlift