A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

115 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Chapter 6 Training for Endurance Key Terms: Adenosine triphosphate Aerobic metabolism Anaerobic metabolism APMHR equation Bunion Cardiovascular fitness Creatine phosphate Cross-training shoe Exercise economy Fartlek training Glycolysis High-intensity interval training Interval training Lactate Lactate threshold Long slow distance training Maximal lactate steady state Maximum heart rate Motion control shoe Muscle fiber type Neutral shoe Oxidative system Pace / tempo training Phosphagen system Pyruvate Rate of perceived exertion Road-running shoe Stability shoe Talk test Trail-running shoe Treadmill tempo run VO2max Work:Rest ratio Zero-drop shoe Learning Objectives: • Recognize the importance of cardiovascular health and the three basic energy systems used to replenish levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) • Define VO2max, lactate threshold, muscle fiber type and exercise economy and describe how each relates to endurance performance • List the five types of endurance training and discuss some of the physiological benefits associated with each • Define rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and the Talk Test and describe how they relate to MHR • List the different types of running shoes and discuss techniques for selecting a running shoe