A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

126 Chapter 6: Training for Endurance Although there are five distinct types of endurance training, categorization can be reduced to three: long slow distance training, pace / tempo training and speed training. Since Fartlek training is a combination of several of the other types of endurance training (e.g., LSD, pace / tempo, interval), inclusion in an endurance training program is not necessary as long as all of the other types are already being performed. Additionally, since both interval and HIIT utilize the same energy pathways and result in similar physiological adaptations, the two types of training could be used interchangeably. For example, if your endurance training program calls for one day per week of speed training, you could alternate back and forth between interval and HIIT training. Table 6.8 provides some sample workouts for LSD, pace / tempo and speed (i.e., interval, HIIT) training. Table 6.8. Sample Workouts for Each Type of Endurance Training LSD Pace / Tempo Speed Interval HIIT Run 3-5 miles 5-min Easy / 10-min Hard Repeats 4-6x 400m Sprints 8-10x 100m Sprints Run 30+ minutes Treadmill Tempo Run 2-3x 800m Sprints 6-8x 200m Sprints 1-mile Repeats 6-8x 300yd Shuttle The above recommendations illustrate how to train the different types of endurance training (i.e., LSD, pace / tempo, interval, high-intensity interval training, Fartlek) through various running- specific drills and activities. However, it is worth mentioning that the different types of endurance training can also be trained using non-running activities as well such as walking, swimming, biking, rowing and elliptical training. Table 6.9 provides some sample workouts for LSD, pace / tempo and speed training for non-running activities. Table 6.9. Sample Workouts for Non-Running Activities LSD Pace / Tempo Speed Interval HIIT Exercise 30+ min. 5-min Easy / 10-min Hard Repeats 3-5 min. high-intensity repeats coupled with 3-5 min. of low-intensity recovery periods 30-90 sec. high-intensity repeats coupled with 2.55 min. of low-intensity recovery periods Treadmill Tempo Run As mentioned previously, pace / tempo training is an effective method for improving lactate threshold (LT). Additionally, traditional approaches to pace / tempo training include either steady or intermittent training. Another, more recent, option to training pace /tempo, and improving LT, is the treadmill tempo run. This approach to pace / tempo is best used when training for mid distance endurance events (e.g., 1.0-mile, 1.5-mile, 2.0-mile, 3.0-mile, 5-km). Provided below are the required steps for how to perform the treadmill tempo run for the mile.