A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

141 A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise Chapter 7 Training for Mobility Key Terms: Active stretch Balance Cartilaginous joints Compression force Contractures Cool-down Elasticity Fibrosis Fibrous joints Flexibility Golgi tendon organ Mobility Multicomponent physical activity Muscle spindle Passive stretch Phasic muscles Plasticity Prehab Range of motion Referred pain Shear force Spinal stenosis Stability Stretch reflex Synovial joints Tonic muscles Torsion force Valsalva maneuver Venous return Warm-up Learning Objectives: • List and discuss the factors affecting mobility and flexibility • Discuss the benefits of performing a thorough warm-up and cool down • List the three different planes of movement • Describe and address the benefits of the four types of stretching • Define some of the different prehab techniques to help improve flexibility and mobility • List and discuss some of the different causes and treatment options for low back pain