A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

148 Chapter 7: Training for Mobility • PNF stretching. This type of stretching uses a partner and involves both passive and active muscle actions. Similar to static stretching, PNF stretching is best performed after a training session. There are three basic types of PNF stretching techniques: hold-relax, contract-relax and hold-relax with agonist contraction. It is worth mentioning that this type of stretching is better suited for some muscle groups than others. For example, PNF stretching is commonly used for the chest, shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps, groin, hip flexors and calves. [Please note that each type of PNF stretching is hyperlinked to an instructional video on how to safely perform the stretch.] Figures 7.6 - 7.9 depict the proper set-up and positioning for the PNF hamstring, quadriceps, chest and shoulder stretches. Figure 7.6. Set-Up for PNF Hamstring Stretch Figure 7.7. Set-Up for PNF Quadriceps Stretch Figure 7.8. Set-Up for PNF Chest Stretch Figure 7.9. Set-Up for PNF Shoulder Stretch