A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

158 Chapter 7: Training for Mobility Table 7.3. Sample Exercises for Midline Abdominals, Oblique Abdominals and Low Back Midline Abdominals Sample Exercises Oblique Abdominals Sample Exercises Plank Isometric Sit-Up Vertical Knee Raise Side Plank Single-Arm Suitcase Hold Pallof Press Low Back Sample Exercises Back Hypers Reverse Hypers Dead Bugs In addition to the exercises provided in Table 7.3, there is growing support for “the McGill Big Three.” Performing these exercises regularly can help improve trunk stability and reduce injury risk by strengthening the various muscles surrounding the lumbar spine (Horschig & Sonthana, 2021; McGill, 2007). The McGill Big Three consists of the modified curl-up, side-plank, and birddog. Figure 7.17 depicts the exercises that comprise the McGill Big Three. Figure 7.17. The McGill Big Three