A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

166 Chapter 8: Exercise Programming Introduction Current physical activity guidelines recommend that adults perform at least 150-300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity, or 75-150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity endurance training, or an equivalent combination of both. Preferably, endurance training should be spread throughout the week and gradually increase the amount and intensity over time. Additionally, adults should perform strength training of moderate or greater intensity that involves all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week (AHA, 2018; ACSM, 2021; CDC, 2020; USDHHS, 2018). Unfortunately, research shows that most Americans fall well short of these recommendations. In fact, it is currently estimated that only 26 percent of males and 19 percent of females meet the current physical activity guidelines. Figure 8.1 depicts the percentage of U.S. adults who met the endurance and strength training guidelines (USDHHS, 2018). Figure 8.1. Percentage of U.S. Adults and Children Who Met the Recommended Aerobic and Muscle-Strengthening Guidelines