A Christian Guide to Body Stewardship, Diet and Exercise

170 Chapter 8: Exercise Programming fitness (e.g., aerobic capacity, muscular strength, mobility). In addition to identifying physiological strengths and weaknesses, periodic fitness testing can be used to track performance over time, assign training parameters (e.g., % of 1RM, MHR) and evaluate the effectiveness of an exercise program (Haff & Triplett, 2016). A sample fitness test that can be used to assess endurance, strength and mobility is provided in Table 8.3. Grading criteria for the deep squat is provided in Table 8.4. Table 8.3. Proposed Fitness Test for Assessing Aerobic Capacity, Muscular Strength and Endurance, and Mobility Performance Rating Aerobic Capacity Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Mobility 1-Mile Run 1RM Bench * 1RM HBDL * Plank Deep Squat Male Female Male Female Male Female Excellent ≤ 5:45 ≤ 6:25 ≥ 1.6 ≥ 1.1 ≥ 2.5 ≥ 2.3 ≥ 4:20 ≥ 5 Above Average 7:04-5:46 8:01-6:26 1.3-1.5 0.8-1.0 2.12.4 1.6-2.2 3:05-4:19 4 Average 7:05 8:02 1.2 0.7 2.0 1.5 3:04 3 Below Average 9:21-7:06 10:41-8:03 0.8-1.1 0.4-0.6 1.21.9 0.8-1.4 1:46-3:03 2 Poor ≥ 9:22 ≥ 10:42 ≤ 0.7 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 1.1 ≤ 0.7 ≤ 1:45 1 HBDL = Hexbar Deadlift 1RM Bench and HBDL are calculated by dividing weight lifted (lbs.) by bodyweight (lbs.) Table 8.4. Deep Squat Pose Grading Criteria 1 Point Ability to get into the deep squat position unassisted 1 Point Ability to get the hips well below the knees and close to the ankles 1 Point Ability to position and maintain the elbows inside the knees 1 Point Ability to keep the entire foot flat and in contact with the floor 1 Point Ability to hold the deep squat position for at least 2 minutes 1 Point Ability to return to the upright position unassisted Let’s use our 165 lb. female from Chapter 6 as an example. After completing the proposed fitness test outlined in Table 8.3, she received the following scores: • 1-mile: 7:45, which equates to a performance rating of Above Average • Bench press: 80 lbs. (80 ÷ 165 = .48), which equates to a performance rating of Poor • Hexbar deadlift: 150 lbs. (150 ÷ 165 = .91), which equates to a performance rating of Below Average • Deep squat: 3, which equates to a performance rating of Average